Saturday, May 9, 2015

Teamwork: laz0r tag

D+C 49:27 - "Behold, I will go before you and be your rearward; and I will be in your midst, and you shall not be confounded."

Two of my thirteen favorite missionary companions, along with a wife, came down to visit Provo this weekend. Naturally, we got together yesterday to p0wn some noobs in the deadly arena of Laz0r Tag.

It was actually a pretty cool experience, seeing how effective certain individuals were in regards to their team.

The four of us did a pretty good job trading off as each other's back-ups, and as such, were generally able to mow down the opposition fairly effectively. There were a few individuals on both teams--including one notably large opponent who thought he was Rambo and kept recklessly charging right into our lasers--who felt like their attempts at being a solo operative were helping rather than merely feeding the other team's score.

The teamwork prize, though, went to a trio of peers, possibly a little younger than the four of us, who found a very strategic position near our base that we could not directly assault nor ignore without running headlong into their lax0rs. It proved extremely aggravating trying to flush them out, especially since they were quick to return once they'd reloaded. In the end, their tactics proved decisive in the second game, and we ended up forking the victory over to them.

In the same regard, I am very much someone who prefers to strike out on my own when it comes to any sort of endeavor (I mean, I write a daily blog. Not the best team-building exercise). However, as I have witnessed the value of teamwork in everything from my missionary experiences to something as simple as laz0r tag, I have gained an appreciation for it.

Sometimes, you just can't do without.

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