Friday, February 13, 2015

Best Laid Plans: Board Game Night

Alma 12:33 - "But God did call upon men, in the name of his son, (this being the plan of redemption which was laid) saying: If ye will repent, and harden not your hearts, then I will have mercy upon you, through mine Only Begotten Son ..."

[edit] DISCLAIMER: In order to make the analogy I wanted to in this post, I had to use the mechanics of a board game with which very few people would be familiar. As it is, I tried to use as vague and easy-to-understand terms and concepts as possible. I apologize if I failed in making myself clear.

Wednesday night was board game night over at the manor house, my 'dorm away from dorm' as it may be. My bro and his roommates and I all got to playing the game Pandemic, wherein you work together as a team to cure all the diseases in the world before time runs out or everybody dies. I am sorry to report that everyone in the world died at least once, but we saved them the second time.

This wasn't the entire crew, but there you have 'em!

In the first game, it was the best laid plans falling through that eventually resulted in our crushing defeat. Our near defeat in the second game was also because our best laid plans didn't work out the way we'd hoped. Sometimes, the infection would spread in ways we didn't anticipate, forcing us to choose between which city at which we needed to treat the disease. As always, the game proved challenging and chaotic, and though we were gunning at the edge of our teeth, we ended up having a blast of a time.

As I left the manor house, I pondered how my life hasn't gone the way I anticipated or expected recently. I may be changing my major, I'm having two very important interviews this weekend that I only just organized this past Sunday, I haven't accomplished everything I wanted to following my mission ... and yet, these ups and downs and positives and negatives don't bother me. I find the impromptu nature of life to be part of what makes it so amazing, and even when I fail to accomplish certain things I originally expected, I take hope that those or greater things are yet to come.

My challenge for you today to is reflect back on the things you haven't yet accomplished that you still aim to, or even those things you've currently set aside. Think about the success you've had because you haven't yet found those initial ones. Then get out there and find some more!


  1. Do you know what your blog has in common with old-fashioned fortune cookies, daily horoscopes, General Conference and the Holy Scriptures? Simple: Your posts often seem to be directed at me personally! Whether it is because you are a master at vague generalities (as with the first two items on the list) or divinely inspired insight (as with the latter), I am not sure. Perhaps a little of both? In any case, like Mona Lisa’s eyes, I so often feel your remarks are directed specifically at me. And, my dear writer, that makes you an artist of inspiration!

    1. Thank you again! :) I don't think my blog posts could be as inspired as Holy Scripture, but I do want them to be spiritual, so I bet you hit it on the head with the compromise.
